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This volume introduces readers to the dominant scientifically oriented worldview called naturalism. Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro examine naturalism philosophically, evaluating its strengths and weaknesses. Whereas most other books on naturalism are written for professional philosophers alone, this one is aimed primarily at a college-educated audience interested in learning about this...

kiss of a being called a dementor. And the contemporary antidualist philosopher John Searle reports that “[w]hen I lectured on the mind-body problem in India [I] was assured by several members of my audience that my views must be mistaken, because they personally had existed in their earlier lives as frogs or elephants, etc.” (Searle 1992, 91). The cogency of naturalism can be measured to the extent that it can show this nonnaturalist dualist view of people to be mistaken. Assessing strict naturalism,
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